More Logic Circuits

Now that you have an understanding of basic gates it is time to combine them into more complex devices. Gates can have more than two inputs, and gates can be combined to create more powerful modules. The following examples will familiarize you with just a few of the many possible combinations that can be built by combining simple gates into useful devices.

Both of these figures show the same device:


All 4 inputs must be logic 1 for the output to be a logic 1. Any other combination will output a logic 0, or OFF state.

This would be a: 4 INPUT NAND GATE

All four inputs would have to have a logic 1 state for the device to output a logic 0 state. Any other combination will produce a logic 1 or ON condition.

Up to this point a gate would change it's output depending on the state of it's inputs. Gates can also be built that require data to be clocked in, or they can have a control line to deselect them from a circuit. (To turn them off.) The control line can force the device to go into a HIGH-Z state.  HIGH-Z  is when the output of the gate goes into a very high resistance condition that will effectively remove the gate from the circuit. The output of the gate is so high that it becomes isolated and ignored by the other components attached to it.

Figure 1: The Downtown General Store

In figure #1 above, we have a new customer. They have requested that we build an alarm system for them to prevent burglars from steeling their merchandise. At night the alarm system will monitor all four doors, two in the front of the store, and two at the rear of the store. If any single door is opened, the system should sound an alarm and summon the police.

During the day we have a different situation however... we don't want to summon the police every time a customer enters or leaves the building through the front entrance or the front exit. We could simply switch the alarm system off, but this would leave the store room and the loading dock unprotected. What we need is an alarm that is intelligent enough to monitor the back doors, but also ignore the front doors during the day when the store is open. 

Figure 2 : Our Custom Burglar Alarm

 Figure #2 shows the system we designed. The alarm has four inputs labeled A, B, C, and D as well as one output labeled E. We will use switches on the doors to send a signal to our device. 5 volts will represent a logic-1 state, and 0 volts will represent a logic-0 condition. The table below will show you the connections and the expected signals. 
Downtown General Alarm Connections
A Loading Dock Door Switch Open = 0v, Closed = 5v
B Storage Room Door Switch Open = 0v, Closed = 5v
C Front Entrance Door Switch Open = 0v, Closed = 5v
D Front Exit Door Switch Open = 0v, Closed = 5v
Connected to a key switch marked 
"DAY" and "NIGHT"
DAY = 5v, NIGHT = 0v
E Output to warning lights and police OKAY = 0v, ALARM = 5v

Now let's go see how the alarm works. The next page contains a JavaScript model of our alarm system. You can click on the doors to open and close them, and you can set the alarm to DAY or NIGHT mode to see what happens. This should help you to better understand how the gates function, and how the high-z control line works.